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6 DIY Ways to Keep Your House Damp Free

Left unattended, dampness invites all manner of problems to our homes. One, it can lead to irreparable damage to your beloved furniture. It’s also a leading cause of health complications such as asthma. And who wants the damp spots left on the walls?

If you have been reluctant to fix your home dampness, you have a reason to be scared. Fortunately, we have some DIY ways that can help keep your house damp-free without breaking the bank.

Causes Of Dampness

Poor ventilation and heating are the common causes of dampness. It happens when activities like cooking increase the humidity concentration in your house. This air cools on cold surfaces like walls and windows, causing decaying window frames and stained curtains.

Leaking underground water can cause dampness. This is easy to detect if you see mould and stains on the walls. To vent off dampness from your house, consider these 6 routines.

Keep Your Home Damp Free

1. Ventilation

Opening the windows of your house during the day is paramount. It allows fresh air and sunlight to penetrate. These two help prevent moisture condensation and keep dampness off the house. To sustain a fresh and damp-free environment, opening your windows and doors should be an everyday routine.

2. Use dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier is an incredible device in the fight against dampness. It uses electricity to absorb damp air from the room, hence decreasing humidity concentration. After drawing in moisture, it heats the air before releasing it into the atmosphere. As this process continues, the room becomes warm and damp-free. While using it, always empty the reservoirs that collect the condensed air to maximize its efficiency.

3. Inspect and mend cracks

If you come across any crack in the wall, repair it with immediate effect. Cracks are the water gateways to your house. With cracks on the wall, dampness will never leave you. Having known that, inspect the pipes and tiles regularly to see whether there is any leakage or blockage. As you do that, you will certainly identify moisture susceptible places for timely fixing.

4. Insulation Keeps Your Home Damp Free

Both external and internal wall insulation increases the room temperature, which prevents dampness. Condensation usually happens when the surface has a lower temperature than the surrounding moisture. Insulating the walls lowers the temperature change between the two, thus counteracting dampness risks.

5. Infrared heating

Infrared heating panels use radiation to directly heat the building’s material and its occupants. They then store that heat in warm air. Therefore, even after turning off the heater dampness won’t be a threat. And such an environment dries out the damp walls significantly.

6. Inspect moisture addition To Keep Your Home Damp Free

Don’t entertain a routine of closing the bathroom windows throughout and drying your clothes inside the house. These undesirable practices contribute to escalated dampness at home. To eradicate this threat, use a dehumidifier or exhaust fan after bathing. You can also, turn on the kitchen chimney to keep the house fresh and dry.

If you master these 6 routines and practice them religiously, your home will be damp-free, hygienic, and clean in an amazing way. And by doing so, you’ll have protected your loved ones against the damp wrath.

If you’re looking for a professional damp proofing company for your property or business, don’t delay getting in touch with us any further. Feel free to get in contact with a member today for a fully comprehensive quote, or by calling us directly on 020 8509 0470.


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Available from 09:00 am – 17:30 pm

6 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 8AL