6 Wimpole St.

Marylebone, London, W1G 8AL

020 8509 0470

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Our Standard Opening Hours

Woodworm Treatment Services London

What Causes Woodworm?

Woodworm is the term given to wood-boring insects which see eggs laid into small cracks on timber. Woodworm is most typically seen from May to October. It is caused in houses from having moisture within the timber. It can often result in timber framework and floors needing to be replaced if there is an infestation. Woodworm is one of the most common causes of timber damage and can have a long-lasting effect if it is left untreated. Below I have listed common signs of woodworm to make them more identifiable: 

  • Exit holes in timber
  • Presence of frass
  • Tunnels within the wood caused by woodworm
  • Damaged wood
  • Small Insects

Identifying woodworm in their early stages is the most important step in treating woodworm. The majority of people are not even aware that they have a woodworm problem until the damage has already been done and has spread. Unfortunately, the signs of woodworm are only visible once the infestation begins so it is extremely important that you are regularly checking your timber.

Woodworm Treatments

City Dampcoursing provides effective woodworm treatments to ensure that it does not harm your property any further. We make sure that woodworm does not cause any further problems such as being vulnerable to damp which could then effect the health and well-being of people living in the property.

If you are in need of woodworm treatment in London, our damp servicing experts can be with you to solve the problem as soon as possible. Our team of qualified and experienced staff specialise in:

  • Tanking treatments
  • Rising damp
  • Damp surveys
  • Structural waterproofing
  • Woodworm treatments
  • Concrete repairs and treatment

If you’re looking for woodworm treatment in London, don’t delay getting in touch with us any further. Feel free to get in contact with a member today for a fully comprehensive quote, or by calling us directly on 020 8509 0470.


Request Your Inspection Today

Available from 09:00 am – 17:30 pm

6 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 8AL